Wednesday, 30 October 2019

11 thoughts

A year older, I hope making me wiser even more stronger. Here’s my 11 thoughts

1) Everything that happens in the particular moment is actually the right thing to happen at the most perfect time.

2) We can never force people, not even ourself

3) Words are boomerang.

4) The effort we give, is the return we get.

5) Love yourself first, everybody else is temporary.

6) Always have a big dreams and always have a faith. Never  lose hope.

7) If you wont help yourself, no one will ever will.

8)Never rush, never ever rush. Follow the flow but with the plans.

9) Not everything meant to be said.

10) Go out of the comfort zone. That zone drowning us down, its not at all comforting.

11) Everybody needs help, so try your best or at least a little.